Heya! I'm dynamyc. You can find more info about me here!

If you just wanna see my accounts, click here.

So, you already know my nickname. And since you got here,

some notable things I might be known for:

I currently study Computer Science & Engineering at Óbuda University.
I've been wanting to pick coding back up recently, but I feel university is more important right now. Though ideas are certainly brewing in my head, just need time to execute them.
This site will probably get a rewrite at some point too. But it's fine for now.
I currently live in hungary, and while I don't like it that much, I don't hate it either. yeah no fuck this
If you feel like I could be a (possibly) good friend, add me on Discord. You can find it here.

These are my accounts. If you wanna talk, I suggest Discord, since I use that the most, but Steam might also work.

(Though on Steam, please tell me why you add me. I don't like a cluttered Friends list.)
You can usually find me as "dynamyc" or "dynamyc010" in most places.

My current computing device can be found here, and my PC here!

This website is made possible by GitHub!

You can find the spaghetti code that makes this website possible here!
(Please don't look at it.)

change the title owo | enable the mighty terminal!